Almost 130 guests seized the opportunity learn more about the activities at FH Technikum Wien and to network with the Vienna Life Science-Community.
During the presentations the strong role of the FH Technikum Wien in the applied sciences became clear. Together with the Head of the Institute for Biomedical Technology FH-Prof. DI Dr. Martin Reichel, Vicerector FH-Prof. DI Christian Kollmitzer presented the ample opportunities for cooperation in the framework of bachelor and master thesis concepts. This presentation was complemented by Dr. Johannis Willem Van Vliet, head of research and development of the largest Viennese medical technology enterprise Ottobock, who explained the wide range of benefits of the cooperation between Ottobock and the FH Technikum Wien.
However, the FH Technikum Wien presented itself also as a leading research facility. Mag. Dr. Dominik Rünzler und FH-Professor DI Dr. Stefan Sauermann enthusiastically offered an insight into their respective research fields Tissue Engineering and eHealth.
In summary, FH Technikum is not only an important pillar of the Vienna Life Sciences in the area of education but also as an institute for basic and applied research. The evening closed with a cocktail reception and flying buffet.