Facts & Figures
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On behalf of LISA - Life Science Austria, LISAvienna is organizing a joint Austrian booth at BIO-Europe Spring 2025. And we are providing Austria’s life science community with discounted registration packages.
Registration deadline: 30.11.2024
Zweiter Workshop des One Health Network Austria an der Vetmeduni
Angesichts der Polykrise aus Klimawandel, Pandemien, Ernährungsunsicherheit, Biodiversitätsverlust, Umweltverschmutzung…
Uni Vienna: Conservation paradox: Invasive species are often threatened in their native range
Non-native animals are a threat to biodiversity, yet many are themselves threatened with extinction in their areas of…
acib: 3.6 Millionen Euro für Innovation in der biopharmazeutischen Produktion
acib holt EU Förderung für neues Doktoratsprogramm zur Entwicklung von Herstellmethoden für Biopharmazeutika
Driven by curiosity, inspired by our city...
Open Calls and Deadlines
HealthTech Investor Summit: 15% LISA discount on the pitching fee | 10% LISA discount on registration fee
We will be bringing together financers, entrepreneurs, mentors, experts and creators. It’s a fantastic opportunity to…
Salt Lake, Utah
Arieli Innovate: Start HealthTech scale–up program
Taking place in Utah’s innovative thriving ecosystem, Start HealthTech is an exclusive action-packed scale–up program…
Bayer's Expert Mondays: Ingredients to Successful Partnerships with Bayer
Nicolas Becker and Jeremy Booth
Senior Directors BD&L, Alliance Management
en.co.tec Akademie: ISO 13485:2016 – Interne Audits professionell durchführen
Vergünstigter Preis bei Buchung bis 12.11.2024