Business Location Vienna

​The federal capital Vienna is the economic and political center of Austria. In Vienna, tradition, culture and quality of life combine in a unique way with the factors of a top economic center.

Around 200 international companies take advantage of the central position of the city in the heart of Europe and the resulting proximity to the growing markets in Middle and Eastern Europe. For example, Boehringer Ingelheim Austria, Siemens and Eli Lilly use Vienna as the location for their CEE headquarters. The excellent flight connections also support the companies with their CEE activities. Vienna Airport offers more nonstop flights to CEE destinations than any other airport.

Economic framework conditions at a glance

  • Maximum corporate tax rate: 23%
  • Group taxation: international groups and foreign companies with Austrian subsidiaries can offset profits and losses of group subsidiaries, thereby reducing the calculation basis for corporate tax.
  • Deduction options and allowable deduction regulations for investments in research and development: 25% of R&D expenses, up to 35% in exceptional cases
  • Research premium: 14% of R&D costs will be refunded either as a cash payment or as a tax credit
  • Training premium: tax benefits for operational education and training measures
  • Tailor-made regional and national funding opportunities

Perfect place for Central and Eastern European headquarters

Vienna is highly attractive for talent and educates the largest number of students in the German-speaking region. We are proud of hosting a vibrant international research community and a growing number of start-ups. In addition to the excellent location, Vienna offers the benefit of highly qualified workers, high productivity levels, a research and technology-friendly environment and an outstanding quality of life. In combination with stable political and economic framework conditions, Vienna shows its quality as a top economic center. The Vienna Business Agency, WKO Vienna and ABA - Invest in Austria support you to set up your business in the city.

World-class meeting destination

Vienna is ranked among the top congress cities worldwide and especially is a perfect meeting place for medical experts. Actually, congresses on human medicine dominate the entire congress sector in Vienna and enrich the regional scientific community. The Vienna Convention Bureau assists you free of charge in planning and preparing your meeting or incentive in Vienna. Be invited to stage future events in the city!