Living & Working in Vienna
Vienna is an excellent place to live for many reasons: The city is world famous for its spectacular buildings, such as Schönbrunn Palace, the Beleverdere or the Hofburg. Vienna also scores highly with its superb musical and cultural scene in concert halls, museums and on the stage - from the Goldene Musikvereinssaal to the famous art and natural history museums and state opera. Vienna also has a well-developed culinary culture, which has established itself over centuries in the coffee houses and wine taverns. Last but not least, more than half of the city is made up of restorative natural areas. There are various parks and gardens, the Vienna Woods and the Donau Auen.
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Quality of Living
Life is good in Vienna as international comparisons regularly show. Austria’s capital city ranks among the cities providing the best quality of living in the world. The reasons are clear: In addition to the cultural and leisure options, the city also has one of the most effective infrastructures, in addition to a high level of safety and political stability, and is not least known for its excellent health and educational facilities.
Personal support
With the Expat Center of the Vienna Business Agency, the city offers an excellent service for international members of staff in top positions: An experienced team advises the expats providing individual and tailor-made advice on all requirements of everyday life, organizes workshops, events and activities and helps with the first steps towards their new home in Vienna. This facilitates recruiting key professionals for open management positions, diplomats as well as researchers.
A further point of contact - particularly for researchers, lecturers and students - is the OeAD, the Austrian exchange service. Many tips regarding funding and scholarships, legal matters regarding visits to Austria and much more are available here.
European and international networking and transnational mobility
Great job opportunities in Vienna
Are you looking for a challenging job in the life sciences? In this case, you should take a closer look at the companies and academic organizations in Vienna. Numerous opportunities are available relating to biology, chemistry, human and veterinary medicine, engineering, IT and sciences as regards environmental issues and the bioeconomy. In addition to open positions in education, basic and applied research, the development of new products, processes and services as well as jobs relating to clinical trials, please also watch out for opportunities in manufacturing, quality control, validation, marketing, sales, project management and plant construction, for example. Financial experts, business developers, IPR and HR people or office assistants are also invited to advance in this area with their expertise. Both global players and the academic sector as well as small and medium-sized companies including start-ups are recruiting talent in Vienna.