Open Calls & Deadlines to remember

Date Opportunities
12.12.2024 FFG: Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) – 17th Call
12.12.2024 EIT HEI Initiative: Call for Proposals 2024: Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at higher education institutions | Innovation and entrepreneurship capacity building at HEIs for the enhancement of Deep Tech
14.12.2024 Convert2Green: Converting Facilities Network for accelerating uptake of climate-neutral materials in innovative products - incl. smart health
15.12.2024 API: Forschungsförderpreise für Studierende, die sich in ihren geplanten oder laufenden Abschlussarbeiten (Master‐/Diplomarbeit, Dissertation bzw. PhD‐Thesis) Suchtthemen widmen und eine Publikation ihrer Ergebnisse anstreben
15.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Understanding Science
16.12.2024 EIT Health: Deep Tech Venture Builder Programme Call 2025
17.12.2024 canSERV: Call for Service Provision for Early Career Researchers – “Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers”
20.12.2024 CDG: Transfer Science to Spin-off (Transfer.S2S) Program
30.12.2024 EIT Health: Startups meet Pharma - Abbott: Solutions to enhance the development of nutritional products by addressing the challenge of ingredient stability during processing
31.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Business Location Funding
31.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Production Funding
31.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Vienna Quality of Life Funding
31.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Innovation Funding
31.12.2024 Vienna Business Agency: Digitalisation Funding
7.1.2025 EIT Health: The Transformative Health Instrument (THI) - Call 2025
14.1.2025 ERC: Consolidator Grant
15.1.2025 FutureFoodS: First Joint Transnational Co-Funded Call: Transforming Food Systems - reshaping food system interactions, fostering food innovations and empowering sustainable food choices
17.1.2025 LBG: Call for Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes (LBI) - Scientific Excellence in Health Sciences
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-3: Call for Proposals on radiation safety and quality of computed tomography imaging of children and young adults - (CR-g-24-42)
22.1.2025 FFG - BRIDGE
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-5: Call for proposals to support the establishment of new networks of expertise on cancer and cancer conditions - (CR-g-24-96)
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-4: Call for proposals on Personalised Cancer Medicine - (CR-g-24-99)
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-6: Call for proposals on advancing the adoption of artificial intelligence in health (DI-g-24-76)
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-2-b: Call for proposals on health promotion and prevention of noncommunicable and communicable diseases, including vaccine-preventable and other cancers caused by infections, and on smoke- and aerosol-free environments - (DP/CR-g-24-29)
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-1: Call for proposals to support a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union - (DP-g-24-25)
22.1.2025 EU4H-2024-PJ-03-7: Call for proposal: action grants to contribute to the organisations of conference and events - (OA-g-24-79)
23.1.2025 EIP-AGRI: Innovation und Wissensaustausch für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft und ländliche Räume
28.1.2025 FFG: Expedition Zukunft START 2024/3 - Business Edition
30.1.2025 JTC 2025: Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care: Funding for research and innovation projects that strengthen primary and community health and care systems and provide policy and decision makers with the necessary knowledge and tools to govern the transitions needed in the primary and community care sector
10.2.2025 FFG: Go Digital! Förderung von Applikations- und Softwareentwicklung zur Unterstützung von Digitalisierungsvorhaben bis zur Marktreife
13.2.2025 FFG: FORTE Ausschreibung 2024
13.2.2025 FFG: KIRAS/K-PASS Ausschreibung 2024
14.2.2025 CDG: Deadline to submit proposals
18.2.2025 EP PerMed JTC2025: Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine (PGxPM2025) | JTC2025 information day on 9.1.2025
28.2.2025 FFG: Industrienahe Dissertationen 2024 (laufend einreichen möglich, sind die Förderungsmittel ausgeschöpft, wird die Ausschreibung vorzeitig geschlossen)
28.2.2025 aws Digitalisierung: AI-Adoption und AI-Adoption: Green
12.3.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: Acceleration of advanced materials development and upscaling along the value chain | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
12.3.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: Biotechnology driven low emission food and feed production systems | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
12.3.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: GenAI4EU: Creating European Champions in Generative AI | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
12.3.2025 EIC Accelerator Open | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
13.3.2025 ERC: Proof of Concept Grant
13.3.2025 EIT Food: Larger-scale collaborative programmes (improve the impact of diet on obesity and non-communicable disease, reduce food-system-related environmental harms, deal with the threats posed by food integrity and complex supply chains), and innovative single projects (innovative solutions for protein diversification, regenerative agriculture, labelling, packaging & transparency)
14.3.2025 aws Spin-off Initiative: Modul 2 - Anschubfinanzierung von gesamt max. EUR 7 Mio. an private Risikokapitalgeber*innen
14.3.2025 Austrian Climate Research Programme Implementation 2024
26.3.2025 FFG: IraSME 35. Call
27.3.2025 FFG: Virtuelle Welten und digitale Lösungen für die Gesundheit - Förderung für kooperative F&E-Projekte und Qualifizierungsnetzwerke
31.3.2025 Vienna Business Agency: Healthcare Funding
31.3.2025 FFG: Expedition Zukunft: Challenge Public Sector
2.4.2025 FFG: F&E-Infrastrukturförderung 2024
2.4.2025 FFG: Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen 2024
8.4.2025 ESFRI Roadmap Update 2026: The research community is invited to propose new Research Infrastructures for inclusion on the ESFRI Roadmap 2026
11.4.2025 FFG: COIN KMU-Innovationsnetzwerke 2024
25.4.2025 FFG: Laura Bassi – 3. Ausschreibung
30.4.2025 EIT Food: Call for grants: 30 x €2,300 for SMEs and startups in the agrifood sector interested in improving their business
5.5.2025 BISC-E Austria: BISC-E Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge - Europe
9.5.2025 CDG: Deadline to submit proposals
21.5.2025 EIC Pathfinder Open: Support for projects in any field of science, technology or application without predefined thematic priorities
30.5.2025 FFG: Eureka Ausschreibung Kanada - Österreich 2025
30.5.2025 FFG: Eureka Call Canada - Austria 2025
13.6.2025 aws BoB: Compete for the Best Business Ideas in Biotech & Medtech: International competition in life sciences, aimed at transforming groundbreaking ideas into successful innovations, BoB is open to students, researchers, and teams or individuals from around the world who are looking to turn their ideas into businesses, as well as young startups up to 3 years old (founded after March 31, 2022)
30.6.2025 aws: Fertigungsüberleitung von Energie- und Umwelttechnologien bei Start-ups - es wird laufend über Anträge entschieden
30.6.2025 FFG: Qualifizierungsprojekte 2024
10.7.2025 EIT Food: Larger-scale collaborative programmes (improve the impact of diet on obesity and non-communicable disease, reduce food-system-related environmental harms, deal with the threats posed by food integrity and complex supply chains), and innovative single projects (innovative solutions for protein diversification, regenerative agriculture, labelling, packaging & transparency)
14.8.2025 CDG: Deadline to submit proposals
28.8.2025 ERC: Advanced Grant
17.9.2025 EIC Transition: Support for the maturation and validation of novel technologies from the lab to the relevant application environments
18.9.2025 ERC: Proof of Concept Grant
30.9.2025 FFG: Industrienahe Dissertationen 2025
1.10.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: Acceleration of advanced materials development and upscaling along the value chain | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
1.10.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: Biotechnology driven low emission food and feed production systems | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
1.10.2025 EIC Accelerator Challenges 2025: GenAI4EU: Creating European Champions in Generative AI | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
1.10.2025 EIC Accelerator Open | Only for successful short proposals! You may submit a short proposal at any time. Please note that evaluation of short propsals takes time.
29.10.2025 EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2025: Biotech for Climate Resilient Crops and Plant-Based Biomanufacturing
29.10.2025 EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2025: Waste-to-value devices: Circular production of renewable fuels, chemicals and materials
29.10.2025 EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2025: Generative-AI based Agents to Revolutionize Medical Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
7.11.2025 CDG: Deadline to submit proposals
13.11.2025 EIT Food: Larger-scale collaborative programmes (improve the impact of diet on obesity and non-communicable disease, reduce food-system-related environmental harms, deal with the threats posed by food integrity and complex supply chains), and innovative single projects (innovative solutions for protein diversification, regenerative agriculture, labelling, packaging & transparency)
18.12.2026 FFG: Austrian Life Sciences Program (Projekte können laufend eingereicht werden, 7 Entscheidungstermine im Jahr geplant | Leitprojekte: Einreichfrist endet mit 9.9.2024, verpflichtendes Vorgespräch mit der FFG bis spätestens 22.7.2024 erforderlich)

This list is not exhaustive. LISAvienna accepts no liability for potential mistakes. Be invited to contact us at news(at) to add funding opportunities or to update an entry.

Contact us for an individual account on funding and support opportunities

Elvira Kainersdorfer
Cluster Manager
T +43 676 85 19 40 401
Eva Schlintl
Cluster Manager
T +43 676 85 19 40 402