4 million euros were available for the funding program "Innovate4Vienna", up to 200,000 euros per project were possible (end of funding programm was June 30th). 36 Projects have been identified for funding. These projects demonstrate the innovative power and enormous potential of Viennese companies to overcome the crisis. A rapid and flexible response was made to the changed conditions caused by the Corona crisis and intensive consideration was given to offering the best possible solutions in this extraordinary situation.
From ideas from virtual reality to the pneumatic tube system of the future, enabling sports classes in online mode, holiday offer apps, development of a digital visiting time management system and tangible products from 3D printers: the wide range of project ideas and their realisation is impressive!
Medicine: 12 projects
- User-Friendly and Fast COVID-19 Testing in Vienna, Labor Dr. Mustafa
- Optimisation of the Production of ViroReal® Kit SARS-CoV-2 & SARS and Validation According to IVDR, Ingenetix
- Development and Production of Tools and Consumables for COVID-19 Test Kits, Karl Rejlek
- VIVALDI - Virtual Validation Laboratory for Diagnostics, Platomics
- Antibody Test SARS-CoV-2, Technoclone
- COMET - COvid19 - Sixty MinutEs qPCR Test, ViennaLab Diagnostics
- Disinfection by Ultrasonic Fogging, BASU
- Anti-Virus & Virus Shielded Materials for Use in Hospitals, Sumetzberger
- Repuls 7 PDI Lamps for Photodynamic Inactivation of Viruses & Bacteria in the Mouth and Throat, Repuls
- Antimicrobial Plastic Parts Made of Nano-Polymer Materials, Ernst Wittner
- Austrian COVID-19 Crowd Printing, Happylab
- Real-Time AR Support of Medical Processes for the Safety of Doctors, Soma Reality
Distancing: 11 projects
- Stop or Go: Digital Access Control System, Digitale Mediensysteme
- PopUp Ticketing & Time Manager - PTTM, Moonshiner
- Level Measurement in the Shop with AI Sensor, Qmetrix
- COVID19 AI Services, Ondewo
- IDIS Simulator - Infectious Disease Spreading Simulator, PwC
- Patience - Tool for Patient Safety in Times of COVID-19, roc8
- Web-Based Control Instrument for COVID-19- Based Regular Operation in Healthcare Facilities, Solgenium
- Customised COVID-19 Path, Symptoma
- Early Warning System for Renewed Covid Wave - Worldwide Monitoring, thinkers
- ZeroQ - Contactless Selfcheckout in Restaurants, Dishtracker
- Pick-up Station for the Vienna Markets, Einkauf.Wien
Communication tools and platforms: 13 projects
- DaVinciLab.Digital - Learning Platform for Creativity and Digital Skills, Da Vinci Lab
- Eversports: Integrated Online Classes, Eversport
- Physiotherapie 3.0, Oliver Alf
- Digital SARS-CoV-2 Training & Information Centre for Hospital Staff, Ovos media
- CO-VID.E.O - Together Through the Crisis with Parental Help Online, 147 Rat auf Draht
- I2A-S, Bloomblisser
- Plaudernetz, Data-Way IT-Consulting
- Holiday Offer App for Children, Datenwerk Innovationsagentur
- Social Distance VR Conferencing, Christian Thomas Jirik
- Low-Threshold and Risk-Free Care for Patients, SAVD Videodolmetschen
- Sign Language Dictionary App - Sigtionary, Sign Time
- MuseumStars - Experience Culture in a New Way, Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme
- COVID-19 Streaming Feature, Music Traveler
Read here the summary of all funded projects: https://viennabusinessagency.at/news/mit-wiener-innovationskraft-aus-der-krise-477/
Some quotes from the project submitters:
"From now on, our pneumatic post boxes will transport goods in the hospital of the future with virus protection".
Peter Friedrich, business unit manager pneumatic tube systems and transport robots Ing. Sumetzberger GmbH
"The state-ordered closures of sports facilities in connection with the rapidly spreading novel corona virus meant that athletes were no longer allowed to visit their sports studios and sports providers lost their entire work base and turnover at a stroke. In close cooperation with our partner studios, we have developed an integrated solution for online class streaming that enables them to at least partially maintain studio operations even in times of "social distancing".
Hanno Lippitsch, CEO and founder Eversports
"Our Covid-19 Crowd Printing combines the capacity of over 800 private 3D printers into one large distributed factory. This enables us to produce thousands of face shields for doctors' offices, pharmacies or grocery stores within a few days. In the next step, we want to produce high-quality respirators for hospital staff in this way. We are working intensively with hospital operators to design the masks, and the first prototypes are already finished.
Roland Stelzer, founder and managing director of Happylab GmbH
"With the new holiday offer app, Viennese children know what's going on in summer. For example, we use virtual points to collect. Through this gamification element, children are encouraged to actively participate instead of passive consumption."
Michaela Amort, project manager at datenwerk innovationsagentur
"This year more children will stay in Vienna during the holidays than ever before. It is therefore essential that parents know what activities are taking place and can trust that their children will be well looked after.
"Wolfgang Zeglovits, managing director at datenwerk innovationsagentur