PP-001 inhibits a cellular enzyme called DHODH. This inhibition has two effects: First, the multiplication of viruses in human cells is reduced because the cells no longer produces enough of RNA building blocks that are necessary for rapid virus replication. Second, it reduces the release of cytokines which lead to an excessive immune response in severe COVID-19 cases. This violent immune response or cytokine storm leads to fatal pneumonia and multiple organ failure.
PP-001 has a unique dual mechanism which works even if the virus mutates.
Panoptes Pharma GmbH has developed PP-001 for the treatment of severe eye diseases and has already completed phase 2 clinical studies. So far, the drug is well tolerated.
Panoptes Pharma has been able to demonstrate that treatment with PP-001 inhibits efficiently the release of many cytokines. The latest Covid-19 studies show that the cytokine storm triggered by the virus is responsible for the dangerous damage to the lungs and other organs.
A research group based on Wuhan, China (Xiong et al. 2020) published the promising concept of DHODH-inhibition on the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 on March 12, 2020.
"We are convinced that the dual mechanism of action of PP-001 is particularly well suited for the treatment of COVID-19. PP-001 has been successfully tested against a large number of other malicious viruses. These include, for example, the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus, Hepatitis C, and HIV, "explains CEO Franz Obermayr.
Enough clinical trial material is available and clinical trials for COVID-19 could begin shortly.
For questions:
Dr. Franz Obermayr, CEO
Panoptes Pharma Ges.m.b.H.
Mailto: Franz.Obermayr(at)panoptes-pharma.com
The Austrian biotech company Panoptes Pharma GmbH has a promising candidate against COVID-19
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