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Sanochemia: Management Board of Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG approves capital increase from authorized capital

The Management Board of Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG (ISIN AT0000776307) today increased its share capital by currently EUR 12.872.053,00 partially using the authorized capital granted by the Annual General Meeting on March 22, 2017, by issuing 2.777.778 new no-par-value bearer shares (ordinary shares) at EUR 15.649.831,00, with profit entitlement from 1 October 2017, excluding shareholders' subscription rights decided. The report of the Executive Board on the exclusion of subscription rights will be published in the official gazette of Wiener Zeitung on 10 January 2019.

The capital increase will take place at an issue price of EUR 1.80 per new share and thus at a premium of 32.4% to the closing price of the company's share on 7 January 2019. The total issue price at which the new shares will be issued thus amounts to EUR 5.000.000,-. b.e.imaging GmbH, Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle-Strasse 8-10, D-76534 Baden-Baden, registered in the commercial register of the Mannheim District Court under HRB 202442 ("b.e.imaging"), was admitted to subscribe for and take over the entire capital increase. b.e.imaging already holds a stake of around 13.5% in the company and will increase its stake to 28% in the course of the capital increase.

b.e.imaging GmbH is a leading supplier of contrast agents, medical devices, RIS / PACS systems and services for radiology and urology with a focus on Germany / Switzerland / Austria.

With the implementation of the capital increase, Dr Timo Bender, Managing Partner of BE Imaging, may also be appointed to the Management Board (CEO) of the Company.

The resolution of the Management Board is subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company.

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