With its new software version, PIUR further increased the ease of use of PIUR tUS. Latest Deep Learning based algorithms are used to minimize the necessary user input for reviewing and visualizing image data. With PIUR tUS´ Vascular Mapping application, physicians can acquire tomographic ultrasound scans of an entire leg within seconds. Automated visualization techniques allow the physician to visualize smallest vessels with a single click of a button. The resulting vessel map provides the user with a high definition 3D vessel map that can be easily shared and documented among users. PIUR tUS´ EVAR application provides the user with a powerful tool to detect and classify endoleaks during follow-ups of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) patients. Studies show a strong correlation with CT angiography for endoleak detection and even higher accuracy for endoleak classification.
The company
piur imaging´s mission is to make vascular imaging more affordable and safer for the patient through the innovative tomographic ultrasound solution PIUR tUS. PIUR tUS extends regular ultrasound devices with a tomography function so physicians can produce three-dimensional diagnostic information without the side effects current imaging technologies may introduce. Optimized usability and a high degree of automation improves diagnostic workflows and communication between physicians while eliminating the patient´s exposure to radiation and harmful contrast agents for several indications.
healthcare-in-europe.com has recently pointed out the role of piur imaging in revolutionizing 3-D tomographic ultrasound: www.healthcare-in-europe.com/en/article/17677-way-forward-3-d-tomographic-ultrasound.html