Artboard 11

Myelopro Diagnostics and Research GmbH obtains an exclusive worldwide license from CeMM to develop therapeutics, targeting mutated calreticulin protein in malignant diseases

CALR mutations have been discovered by the research team of Robert Kralovics at CeMM as highly disease-specific markers to a blood cancer called myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN). Recently, the relevance of CALR mutations have been recognized by the WHO, including them as one of the major diagnostic criteria.

As a unique, disease-specific peptide, mutated CALR is also an attractive target to develop therapies. “This licensing agreement enables Myelopro to continue research on the therapeutic exploitation of mutated CALR in a disease area with an unmet medical need. We are making excellent progress and are very excited to partner with CeMM, a world-class research institution,“ states Oleh Zagrijtschuk, CEO of Myelopro. The above mentioned license agreement excludes diagnostic use of the CALR mutation.

The biotech company QIAGEN exclusively licensed the technology from CeMM in 2014 in order to develop a diagnostic test for the CALR mutations offering each patient a clearer prognostic profile and guiding disease management.

The mission of CeMM is to achieve maximum innovation in precise and personalized molecular medicine to improve healthcare. A committed team of scientists and medical doctors pursue free basic research in the life sciences fully engrafted in a large and vibrant hospital environment of great medical tradition and practice. Partnerships with biotech or pharma companies facilitate following up on research results by providing solutions to medical doctors and patients.


  • Klampfl T, Gisslinger H, Harutyunyan AS, Nivarthi H, Rumi E, Milosevic JD, Them NC, Berg T, Gisslinger B, Pietra D, Chen D, Vladimer GI, Bagienski K, Milanesi C, Casetti IC, Sant'Antonio E, Ferretti V, Elena C, Schischlik F, Cleary C, Six M, Schalling M, Schönegger A, Bock C, Malcovati L, Pascutto C, Superti-Furga G, Cazzola M, Kralovics R. Somatic mutations of calreticulin in myeloproliferative neoplasms. N Engl J Med. 2013 Dec 19;369(25):2379-90.
  • Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian R, Thiele J, Borowitz MJ, Le Beau MM, Bloomfield CD, Cazzola M, Vardiman JW. The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood. 2016 May 19;127(20):2391-405.
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