All talks at the event were given in the Pecha-kucha (Japanese for chit-chat) format, where 20 slides are presented for 20 seconds each. Lucia won one of the three audience prizes. She now made a video of her highly interesting and entertaining presentation that can be found on the MFPL YouTube channel.
Lucia says: “I worked with ciliates during my PhD and I feel the topic is interesting and entertaining for the public. I enjoyed the challenge of presenting in the Pecha-kucha format, but even more to explain a scientific topic to the public to show them that science is not something far away and incomprehensible.”
As scientist of the week Lucia also took part in “Science – It’s a girls thing” in the first week of June. For this she wrote three post for their Facebook page each day, covering themes such as: “Quotes from science”, “Women in science”, “Reasons why you will live science” or “Science Trivia”. Although Lucia doesn’t like the title and the spot of the campaign, she decided to support the overall idea behind the initiative, explaining: “Women sometimes lack the confidence that man have and therefore I want to encourage young girls to pursue a scientific career. All you need is curiosity, enthusiasm and determination.”