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LISAvienna: November Newsletter available

Read this newsletter so you don’t miss out on sponsorship offers or discounted trade show prices!

The current 26th issue of our newsletters provides information on selected news from the Vienna life sciences community. This time around, we are focusing on the following companies: Arsanis, Hookipa Biotech, Lexogen, Miracor Medical, Nabriva, SCARLETRED, Semperit and Valneva. Headlines from the academic sector come from CeMM, IMP, LBG, MedUni Vienna and TU Wien.

We also bring to light important professional events in Austria and beyond as well as present a new article that was produced in collaboration with Chemiereport. Are you familiar with the new call for tender from the Vienna Business agency? We also include important key information on Co-Create Call 2017.

Have you noticed our small changes in the newsletter? We are working to improve our newsletter and thank everyone who has provided feedback and suggestions for improvement up to this point. We will be testing out some other features in the coming issues. We would welcome your feedback on the newsletter!

>> read the LISAvienna e-Newsletter 09-2016

>> register for free

The sender takes full responsibility for the content of this news item. Content may include forward-looking statements which, at the time they were made, were based on expectations of future events. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements.

As a life sciences organization based in Vienna, would you like us to promote your news and events? If so, please send your contributions to news(at)