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LISAvienna Business Seminar: Find the right sales partners in medical technology

Establishing an international sales network and finding suitable sales partners are essential factors for the commercial success of a medical technology company. Therefore, the interest in yesterday's LISAvienna business seminar was significant, with 50 participants from 33 companies.

In a brief introduction, Peter Halwachs and Martin Mayer of LISAvienna presented the services and future activities of the joint platform of austria wirtschaftsservice and the Vienna Business Agency on behalf of the BMWFW and the city of Vienna.
Afterwards, Martin Schmid, CEO of Schmid KG, showed which basic regulatory requirements must be met to even be able to begin with international sales. The world's varying approval processes were compared and illustrated that it should already be clear in an early phase of development, which markets should be sought after.
In the second lecture, Ron de Graaff, CEO of Seijgraaf Advies Groep BV, presented the significant differences in international reimbursement. The lecture title "No reimbursement - no market" already showed that the best sales strategy is ineffective without clarity about possible buyers and reimbursement. As important examples for the European market, the reimbursement systems of Italy, France and Germany were compared.
Then Davul Ljuhar, CEO of Braincon Handels GmbH, explained how the company handles projects in international sales. He provided interesting insights from the first step, the identification of the appropriate markets, to the search and selection of partners, to the conclusion of contracts.
In the last lecture, Leopold Heilinger, Leo Heilinger e.U., reported on his experience in international sales of medical products for Siemens Healthcare, which spanned over 10 years. The lecture demonstrated how the monitoring of sales partners should work, what the decisive success factors are and which marketing strategies are to be avoided.
During the subsequent networking with wine and bread, the participants of the seminar were given the opportunity to speak with each other and seek personal dialogue with the speakers.

Mark it down now:
The next LISAvienna business seminar is taking place on December 3, 2014. This time, purchasing processes and reimbursement in the Austrian health system are on the agenda.

Program and registration >>

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