Artboard 11

Cubicure: Cerion® 3D printing system wins innovation award

Cubicure receives the Vienna Chamber of Commerce's MERCUR '22

Die innovativsten Projekte der Bundeshauptstadt werden jährlich mit dem MERCUR der Wirtschaftskammer Wien ausgezeichnet. Das 3D-Druck-System Cerion® der Cubicure GmbH konnte sich dieses Jahr gegen mehr als 90 andere Einreichungen durchsetzen. Cerion® erhielt den MERCUR ’22 in der Kategorie Digitalisierung.

Cerion® empowers innovation for industrial companies

Viennese 3D printing company Cubicure GmbH develops and sells materials, equipment and processes for industrial additive manufacturing. Their Cerion® 3D printing system provides industrial companies with an essential building block for the fully digital production of complex polymer components. With Cerion®, new products and components are readied for series production within just a few days. The system's completely new printing technology overcomes traditional limitations of light-based 3D printing. Thanks to a mobile printing head and a revolving resin carrier film, Cerion® enables a previously unimaginably high throughput of 10,000 to 10 million highly complex parts per year.

Innovation in the international business hub Vienna

The innovation award MERCUR has been presented to innovative companies since 1987. It puts pioneering companies in the spotlight which contribute significantly to the growth of Viennese economy and make Vienna a center of innovation. In the field of 3D printing especially, Vienna is on par with other international tech development hubs such as Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv.

Cubicure's award-winning Cerion® 3D printing system produces polymer components at the touch of a button and in series without tools.

Cubicure GmbH develops, produces and distributes industrial 3D printing solutions for polymer parts. With roots in academia and the ambition to help shape the digital future of manufacturing, this Vienna-based company has been setting the course for agile production since 2015. Their Hot Lithography process enables the unprecedented additive manufacturing of resilient high-precision components.

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