CeMM Research Report 2018

We are happy to introduce the CeMM Research Report 2018 to you.

Learn more about the Science, Life and Facts of CeMM, the Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In this report we not only present you our scientific highlights, we took the discussions of the Directors, CeMM Principal Investigators and our Adjunct PIs outside of CeMM into the city of Vienna. We hope you enjoy the little tour of “CeMM-related” Kaffeehäuser/coffeehouses as a stage for multicultural communication. Rather than thinking of researchers as being confined to an ivory tower, relate to us as members of civic society, sitting next to you, drinking coffee, exchanging ideas and discussing how the future may look.

Please download your pdf version or order a print copy with our PR and Event Manager Eva Schweng eschweng@cemm.oeaw.ac.at.

We thank our mother organization the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and all stakeholders, funding organizations and research partners for their steady and valuable support and trust.

And we would like to thank our CeMM employees and our affiliated members from the MedUni Vienna, LBI-RUD, MedUni Innsbruck, University of Vienna and TU Vienna for their hard work and passion for science. This report tells of their success and collaboration spirit!

Giulio Superti-Furga, Anita Ender

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