Artboard 11

Award ceremony: Austrian Life Sciences Award (ALSA)

On 21. 11. 2006 at 7 p.m. for the first time awards the Austrian Life Sciences Award (ALSA) at the Ovalhalle of Vienna's MuseumsQuarter. The prize recognizes excellent scientific work performed in the life sciences and biotechnology, clearly independent from classical research funding in Austria. Ph.D theses, publications in scientifc journals and patent applications have been permitted as applications, scientific excellence as well as practical applicability and originality formed the basis for evaluation.

As main sponsor the Austrian Novomatic group contributed a prize money of EUR 10.000. In addition, ALSA 2006 is supported by ecoplus, Bayer Austria and VWR.

In total five candidates are nominated for the award, among them two candidates from Vienna:
Daniela Piazolla, Department of Microbiology and Immunbiology at Max F Perutz Laboratories
Killian Stöcker, Department for Microbial Ecology at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Vienna University

The winner will be announced on 21. 11. 2006.

Additional information and registration for award ceremony

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