Hermann Hauser and Herbert Gartner invite you to join the first Spin-off Austria Conference 2020 online. This conference aims at raising the awareness in Austria that entrepreneurship must be a third mission for Austrian universities alongside research and teaching. By 2030, Austria shall have a flourishing spin-off ecosystem with a significant number of additional 1,000 new start-up companies. This will raise the GDP, create new jobs and opportunities for young people mobilising scientific talents in all areas. In order to learn more about international best practice in spinoff creation, we have invited experts from MIT, Oxford University, ETH Zurich, Cornell University and China Europe International Business School . Let us discuss together how we can add this additional number of spin-offs to the Austrian ecosystem and let us think about ways of how to grow them into scale-ups.
The Spin-off Austria Conference 2020 is an online event in cooperation with the Austrian media company Der Brutkasten that will be live-streamed via hopin.to. Register for free!