Vienna, 2.11. - 7.11.2025

IEEE VIS 2025: The premier forum for advances in visualization and visual analytics

VIS 2025 will take place in the Austria Center Vienna, Austria’s largest congress centre.

The conference will convene an international community of researchers and practitioners from universities, government, and industry to exchange recent findings on the design and use of visualization tools.

In 2025, the conference is again moving to the old continent, and we cannot wait to welcome you to the heart of Europe, in the beautiful city of Vienna!

VIS 2025 General Chairs

Johanna Schmidt, TU Wien
Eduard Gröller, TU Wien
Barbora Kozlíková, Masaryk University
Krešimir Matković, VRVis GmbH


  • Explore the most recent advances in visualization
  • Get hands on with tutorials and workshops
  • Join our creative, capable visualization community
  • Share your work and research findings

Call For Participation

IEEE VIS 2025 solicits novel research contributions and innovative applications in all areas of visualization.

  • Theoretical and empirical research topics that aim to define the foundation of VIS as a scientific subject.
  • All forms of application-focused research.
  • Building systems, algorithms for rendering, and alternate input and output modalities.
  • The design of visual representations and interaction techniques for different types of data, users, and visualization tasks.
  • Algorithms and techniques that transform data from one form to another to enable effective and efficient visual mapping as required by the intended visual representations.
  • Design and optimization of integrated workflows for visual data analysis, knowledge discovery, decision support, machine learning, and other data intelligence tasks.

To enhance the quality of supplemental materials while maintaining the rigor of the review process, we will now provide authors with an additional week after the full paper deadline to submit their supplemental materials. This means that while abstracts and full papers are still due on March 21 and March 31, respectively, you have until April 7 to submit your supplemental material (including any videos).

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE Computer Society: We Are the Largest Global Community of Computer Scientists and Engineers

IEEE Computer Society - VGTC: Visualization and Graphics Technical Community

2.11. - 7.11.2025


Conference website