Personalized medicine is one of the grand societal challenges of the present and future. ÖPPM connects all stakeholders and interested parties in the field that would like to contribute to the future of personalized medicine in Austria and beyond.
During the first year of its existence, the platform has assembled more than 100 members representing the ÖPPM community. They include experts from medicine, basic research, social science, science communication, and patient advocacy groups. Four working groups (Basic and Translational Research, Society and Ethics, Infrastructure and Technology, Clinical Applications) create the framework for their active engagement within the Platform.
Under the heading ÖPPM – Joining Forces for Personalized Medicine, our 2nd Annual Meeting will provide a comprehensive interdisciplinary scientific program including a public panel discussion entitled “Personalisierte Medizin – Wer oder was steht im Mittelpunkt?”. The meeting will also provide ample opportunity to further intensify the trans-sectoral networking of all participants and stakeholders.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts with suggested contributions by September 22, 2018. Of particular interest are poster presentations or exhibition booths by which stakeholders present their projects and initiatives.