As announced today, Wednesday May 20 2015, by EMBO the following researchers – in alphabetical order – were elected new full members:
- Javier Martinez
(Group Leader at the IMBA), - Magnus Nordborg
(Scientific Director of GMI), and - Alexander Stark
(Group Leader and Senior Scientist at IMP).
They have been appointed to join this distinct group of leading researchers in the field of Molecular Biology and will become part of a global network which is renown throughout the world. All three elected scientists work at research institutes located at the Vienna Biocenter.
As elected EMBO members, Javier Martinez, Magnus Nordborg, and Alexander Stark receive recognition by a community of peers for their scientific work accomplished so far.
Election of the new EMBO members is a remarkably democratic process. Once a year, EMBO members are invited to nominate prospective future members. The members then decide which nominees are invited to join by voting online for them on an individual basis. After the EMBO Council meeting, the names of the newly elected EMBO members are published. This election procedure, carried out by highly acclaimed peers, explains the high degree of recognition that comes with being an EMBO member.
According to EMBO, the European Molecular Biology Organization “is an organization of more than 1,700 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.”
According to the EMBO membership directory and including the results of this year’s election, 29 researchers in Austria are full members of the EMBO community. Out of these 29 top-researchers 17 conduct research at the Vienna Biocenter in the 3rd District of Vienna, location Neu Marx, or have been doing so before retirement.
The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) is Vienna‘s largest life science hub and a center of molecular biological research excellence. In addition to six institutions that are dedicated to basic research, 19 companies are currently on location in New Marx. More than 1,400 employees and 700 students make the VBC a hotspot of innovative approaches in the life sciences. In the academic field, the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI), the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), and the Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) are the flagships of the Vienna Biocenter. The Campus Science Support Facilities (CSF) provide state-of-the-art scientific services.