Artboard 11

TissueGnostics to announce Vienna Business Agency grant

TissueGnostics provides cutting-edge tissue imaging and analysis tools for basic and clinical research. With the newly funded project and in collaboration with research partners in Austria, Australia, Brazil, India and South Africa the company will generate a game-changing computer-assisted platform for precision cancer diagnostics and strengthen its product pipeline.

Over the last decades the number of diagnostic parameters has increased drastically and approaches the limit of the human mind. Although the terms machine learning and artificial intelligence are widely used today, there is still a long way to go with current AI solutions in Precision Diagnostics being mostly artificial but less intelligent. With this new “flagship project” TissueGnostics and its collaboration partners will focus on how computers can learn from existing machine learning solutions. TissueGnostics will generate a game-changing computer-assisted cancer diagnostics platform for 21st century precision cancer medicine – The Virtual Histopathologist. This project will place the company at the frontiers of biomedicine.

Vienna Business Agency invests in TissueGnostics

For more than 20 years, the Vienna Business Agency has been strengthening Vienna’s biotechnology, medical device and pharmaceutical sector. Today it is one of Austria’s most important facilitators for innovation. In December 2021 the Vienna Business Agency granted more than € 4.5 million to support new business R&D projects in the life sciences, after a hard and fair review process. The project proposed by TissueGnostics is one of 13 high quality proposals the jury recommended for funding.

About TissueGnostics

TissueGnostics is a solution provider for Precision Medicine / Next-Generation Digital Pathology headquartered in Vienna. We provide fully integrated cutting-edge tissue cytometers. Our instruments are available in multiple configurations for brightfield, fluorescence, multispectral, confocal as well as high-throughput scanning & whole slide imaging (WSI) to contextual tissue cytometry & quantitative pathology. TissueGnostics has been founded in 2003 and is now a globally active Austrian company with subsidiaries and offices in the EU, the USA, Asia-Pacific as well as South Africa and serves customers on all continents.


TissueGnostics GmbH
Taborstraße 10/2/8
1020 Vienna
Office:   +43 1 216 11 90
E-mail:  office(at)

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