Artboard 11

Technoclone: 30 years coagulation on our mind

We provide our global customers with superior quality test systems for in vitro diagnostics in hemostasis.

Technoclone Herstellung von Diagnostika und Arzneimitteln GmbH was founded in 1987 by Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Binder (1945 - 2010). The main focus of the company was on monoclonal antibodies against components of the coagulation and the fibrinolytic systems. Technoclone was worldwide the first company offering a complete set of ELISAs and of a novel patented system allowing determination of activity and antigen in the same sample (Actibind) in the field of fibrinolysis.

Acquisition of the former Immuno diagnostics portfolio from the Baxter AG

From 1998 on Technoclone expanded rapidly through the acquisition of the former Immuno diagnostics from Baxter AG and the establishment of an distribution system all over the world.

Production and OEM Products

Technoclone is a world-leading producer of diagnostics tests, equipments and research products in the area of blood clotting. It offers both global as well as speciality coagulation tests. With the fully automated coagulation analyzer the Ceveron® alpha and the semi-automated analyzers the Ceveron® one, four and ten the portfolio was completed. The Ceveron® alpha TGA offers the unique feature of a fully automated thrombin generation measurement in the routine: CV ADAMTS-13 testing, as well a complete portfolio for the new anticoagulants (DOAC´s) such as for Xa inhibitors and direct thrombin inhibitors.

Technoclone´s high quality in vitro diagnostics and test systems are sold worldwide not only under the Technoclone label but are also found as OEM products in the catalogues of international diagnostics companies.

Research & Development

The focus of Technoclone´s research and development is in the field of thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases, the world leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Research and development is pursued in Technoclone´s own research division and in close cooperation with Universities and international and national research consortia. Technoclone holds at present more than 10 international patents in the field of diagnosis and therapy of vascular diseases.

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