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TAmiRNA: ASBMR awards Young Investigator Award to TAmiRNA

The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASMBR) has awarded the Young Investigator Pricetothe COO of TAmiRNA, Dr. Matthias Hackl, for his presentation on “Circulating microRNAs as novel diagnostic targets for osteoporosis” during the annual meeting in Houston from September 12th to 15th 2014.

These data provide an update of the latest developments of TAmiRNA, which aim to demonstrates the clinical utility of blood - circulating microRNAs as novel biomarker candidates for aging and age - associated diseases. In their work Dr. Hackl and Dr. Grillari together with their team could show that patients suffering from severe hip fractures exhibit unique microRNA patterns in their blood, which are causally related to an altered bone metabolism. This finding set the starting point for developing novel diagnostic tests, which help to diagnose fracture risk early enough so that therapeutic intervention can be effectively applied. In addition the posters presented by Prof. Johannes Grillari (Scientific Advisor to TAmiRNA), and Dr. Ursula Heilmeier and Dr. Thomas Link (Clinical collaborator of TAmRNA from UCSF) were honored as plenary posters among the top 5% of submitted abstracts.

TAmiRNA GmbH is a biopharmaceutical R&D company founded to drive the discovery and development of microRNAs (miRNAs) as tools for diagnosis and treatment of age-associated disorders such as Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease and Neurodegenerative Disease. TAmiRNA targets to improve patient stability and quality of life with increasing age, by providing solutions for early risk assessment of disease and combined therapeutic treatment solutions.

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