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TAmiRNA and Vivomicx: Combining laser microdissection and microRNA expression profiling to unmask microRNA signatures in complex tissues

We want to draw your attention to the latest publication with our partner Vivomicx. Together we have developed a combination of laser microdissection (LMD) and high quality qPCR, which enables the quantitative analysis of cell-type specific RNA expression in complex tissues.

Using this protocol TAmiRNA & Vivomicx have been able to demonstrate:

  1. the profound difference of RNA expression between whole tumor and subsets of cells within the tumor and
  2. the large heterogeneity in RNA expression between colorectal* tumor compartments such as tumor, stroma and tumor endothelial cells.

* Note: the technology can be utilized for almost any tissue sample.

Our new approch allows to:

  • Discover differential expression patterns between “healthy” and “diseased” tissues on the cellular level;
  • Characterize localization of lead drug candidates on the single cell level;
  • Determine treatment effects on complex tissues at high resolution;
  • Gain a better understanding of a drug’s mode of action and of possible undesired side effects;
  • In the case of nucleic acid therapeutics: monitor localization of the therapeutic at high resolution.

Besides studying mRNA expression, we are particularly skilled in expression analysis of non-coding RNAs (microRNA and other ncRNAs). Vivomicx have massive experience with kidney tissue.

Are you interested – get in touch with Matthias Hackl (CEO TAmiRNA) or Jan Zuidema (CBO & Cofounder Vivomicx)


TAmiRNA specializes in technologies for profiling levels of blood-circulating microRNAs and developing multi-parametric classification algorithms (“signatures”). TAmiRNA uses these technologies to develop minimal-invasive diagnostic tests for drug development, early diagnosis and prognosis of disease, and as companion diagnostic tests to support treatment decisions.


Vivomicx has developed validated protocols to analyze preclinical and clinical tissue samples using Laser Dissection Microscopy in combination with quantitative RT-PCR analysis for in-depth analysis of gene expression in subsets of cells. Using this technology we unmask the molecular identity of cells in the tissue context. In this way we determine e.g., whether target molecules are expressed in cells of interest in diseased tissue and which responding molecules can serve as genuine biomarkers of disease activity/drug effects.

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