Dr. Elizabeth Lazzara and team recently produced an article entitled “Eight Critical Factors in Creating and Implementing a Successful Simulation Program” in the The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety Teamwork and Communication. In the report her team found that…
“One of the eight critical factors—systems—refers to the need to match fidelity requirements to training needs and ensure that technological infrastructure is in place. The type of learning objectives that the training is intended to address should determine these requirements. For example, some simulators emphasize physical fidelity to enable clinicians to practice technical and nontechnical skills in a safe environment that mirrors real-world conditions. Such simulators are most appropriate when trainees are learning how to use specific equipment or conduct specific procedures.” Read the full Joint Commission Journal Article here.
They go on to suggest that such equipment should “match fidelity requirements to training needs”.
For those programs that are training in the critical care of preterm neonates, the ability to realistically simulate a 27 week infant is crucial. Such programs should consider the hyper-realistic airway of Paul, which was designed by actual preterm MRI scans and so intricate it has to be built by 3D printers. This, combined with the realistic presentation of eye movements, nasal flaring, see-saw breathing patterns, cynosis, and the ability to train for critical procedures like INSURE, makes Paul the only simulator in its class for programs looking to realistically train for the care of preterm infants.
1 in 10 babies are born premature, shouldn’t every hospital with a delivery room train with the most realistic preterm simulator available on the market?