Plenum, a Brazilian biomedical company, has recently installed two Lithoz CeraFab 7500 machines to further aid in their production of bone implants. With this purchase and partnership, Lithoz is expanding their leadership in the additive manufacturing industry in Brazil. Plenum works in the fields of health and dentistry and is also in the process of introducing an innovative new type of biotechnology in Brazil. They
manufacture bone replacement implants for the jaw area and use their own resorbable material for these applications, which has been developed from bioceramics.
The purchase of two machines at once underlines just how quickly the Brazilian market for additively manufactured biomedical applications is growing. The Brazilian market is of considerable importance due to its health sector being in the top ten worldwide. This, along with its progressive healthcare which is free for all people living in Brazil, makes it a notable market for additive manufacturing and a big milestone for Lithoz. Dr. Alberto Blay, CEO of Plenum is very excited to be Lithoz’s first customer in the South America: “Lithoz has helped us in our research by installing these two machines at our facilities, and has also been able to develop a fully processable slurry for us to use in our manufacturing process.” Dr. Johannes Homa, CEO of Lithoz, finalized the deal with Plenum: “We strongly believe in the Brazilian market, and we are delighted to have such an innovative company as a first customer in this important market. Plenum has shown that they are true pioneers and I am sure we will see many more revolutionary innovations
from Plenum in the future.”
Lithoz is a world market leader in developing and producing materials and additive manufacturing systems for the 3D printing of high-performance and bioresorbable ceramics. Since 2017, Lithoz has been expanding into the medical and dental industries, where they offer innovative and reliable 3D printers as well as high-quality materials for producing implants, scaffolds and numerous other medical devices. The
company has an export share of almost 100%, nearly 70 employees and has had a subsidiary in the USA since 2017. Lithoz has also been ISO 9001-2015 certified since 2016.
Plenum is a manufacturer of medical devices, and they possess high levels of expertise in the development of applications for health and dentistry among other fields. Their team is comprised of various experts and specialists with extensive experience in the medical, dental and bioengineering fields. They also work in business consulting and professional management.