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New international field of research established - Allergooncology

Research into the correlations between allergies and the development of tumours - and possible benefits for future cancer treatments - has finally become an established research discipline in its own right. That was the conclusion at the 2nd International AllergoOncology Symposium, which took place in Vienna at the weekend. The symposium's organiser, Prof.

Jensen-Jarolim, was extremely happy with the event, which was attended by over 90 doctors and scientists from over 10 different countries. This fascinating field of research, which she has succeeded in establishing with support from the Austrian Science Fund FWF, has also been honoured with its first review article in the international journal "Allergy".

Although scientists have been aware of the phenomenon for over 50 years, it is only over the last three of these that there has been a dedicated field of research looking into the influence of allergic reactions on the development of tumours. Known as AllergoOncology, this discipline looks at the ways that allergic reactions can inhibit the growth of cancer tumours.

This field of research was founded by Prof. Erika Jensen-Jarolim, head of the Department of Pathophysiology at the Medical University of Vienna. Her work on establishing AllergoOncology as a distinct field of medical research began several years ago as part of a project run by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.


Last weekend's International AllergoOncology Symposium in Vienna, the second to be organised by Prof. Jensen-Jarolim, provided a host of international immunologists and oncologists with the ideal opportunity to discuss potential synergies in their work. The broad spread of topics covered at the event included a presentation by Prof. Chris Parish from the John Curtin School of Medical Research in Australia. He referred to a project during which resistance to certain chemically induced tumours was achieved in a mouse model through the administration of white blood cells, which are also associated with allergies. "Even if results from animal models cannot be transferred directly to humans, projects like Prof. Parish's still demonstrate the enormous therapeutic potential of AllergoOncology," comments Prof. Jensen-Jarolim.

Another project presented by Dr. Manuel Penichet, University of California, which was carried out in cooperation with teams led by Prof. Hannah Gould, King's College, London, and Prof. Jensen-Jarolim sought to combat breast cancer. To do this, the team used a key characteristic of the special antibodies that are jointly responsible for allergic reactions - IgE antibodies. These antibodies have a highly reactive and long-lasting effect against proteins that the body classes as unwanted. This IgE response can also be accurately directed against protein structures in certain tumour cells. This characteristic is being used by the team and can even be enhanced by making specific adjustments to the antibody structure.

However, Prof. Jensen-Jarolim also felt that the potential of AllergoOncology should be critically scrutinised during the symposium, and a debate involving a panel of specialists led by the life science journalist Johanna Award-Geissler provided the ideal solution. Prof. Jensen-Jarolim explains: "To ensure a field of research survives in the long term, we need to have people who are willing to be critical and we must put in place consistent checks. That's why symposium participants were also presented with data from a Viennese study of over 22,000 cancer patients, which had been unable to identify any general link between mortality and the concentration of IgE in serum, except in the case of lymphoma and leukaemia.

The reasons behind this will need to be analysed further."

A review article that was exclusively unveiled in advance at the weekend showed just how much progress has already been made towards making AllergoOncology an established field in international medicine and science.

The article is due to be published officially in the international journal "Allergy" in a few weeks. From the FWF's perspective, both the symposium and the state-of-the-art article demonstrate that providing early support for newly emerging interdisciplinary fields of research such as AllergoOncology really does make sense.

The full programme of the 2nd International AllergoOncology Symposium can be found at:

Scientific Contact:

Prof. Erika Jensen-Jarolim Medizinische Universität Wien Institut für Pathophysiologie Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria T +43 / 1 / 40400 - 5120 E erika.jensen-jarolim(at)

Austrian Science Fund FWF:

Mag. Stefan Bernhardt Haus der Forschung Sensengasse 1 1090 Vienna, Austria T + 43 / 1 / 505 67 40 - 8111 E W

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PR&D - Public Relations for Science & Education Campus Vienna Biocenter 2 1030 Vienna, Austria T +43 / 1 / 505 70 44 E W

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