Artboard 11

mySugr revolutionizes diabetes education with new platform for people with diabetes

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. According to the CDC’s 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report, 9.3% of the U.S. population (29.1 million people) have diabetes. As of 2012 the estimated direct and indirect costs (disability, work loss, premature death) of diabetes were $245 billion. Clearly something needs to change.

The smartphone apps of diabetes focused startup mySugr have already gained favor with more than 160,000 users. The innovative group has just set another important mark! mySugr Academy is an online training program for people with diabetes that was developed by doctors, dietitians, nurses, and people with diabetes. The first course for people with type 2 diabetes answers many questions that come during the shock of diagnosis: What does this mean? What can I eat? Will diet & exercise help? Will I need insulin?
The content is delivered through fun animated videos along with playful elements of gamifi-cation - without any of the typical guilt or shame so often associated with diabetes diagnosis.
Dr. William H. Polonsky, President of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute in San Diego, CA says “Many patients with type 2 diabetes feel so confused, overwhelmed and discouraged at the time of diagnosis, and traditional approaches to diabetes education often do not address these critical problems. mySugr Academy is a series of online videos that aim to breathe a sense of fun and whimsy into diabetes education. People with diabetes need to feel engaged and encouraged, and Academy’s approach is sure to help!”

Reimbursement by insurances
Payers, both public and private, are working with mySugr to determine how best to integrate mySugr’s impactful method of educating. The Austrian Social Insurance Authority for Commerce and Industry (SVA) is the first national health insurer to cover the costs of mySugr Academy for its members in Austria.

About mySugr
mySugr is an international diabetes health and services company founded in 2011 with offices in San Francisco and Vienna. Investors include The Hansmen Group (investor of runtastic) and XL Health . mySugr specializes in diabetes education and management and believes that the everyday needs and wishes of those with diabetes can be met while providing strong elements of style, elegance, innovation, beauty, and even fun. The company is ISO 13485 certified and the mySugr Logbook app is a registered medical device in the EU and US.


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