"Personalised medicine" or precision medicine will be the focus of the first "Festival" organised by MedUni Vienna's Medical Imaging Cluster. This event, which is planned to be part of a regular series, will take place on 14 June 2018 in the Van Swieten Hall of MedUni Vienna (1090, Van Swieten-Gasse 1a; 8:45-17:00 hrs) and is also open to interested members of the public. Admission is free.
Personalised medicine is the most significant trend in 21st century medicine. The basic principle of personalised medicine is: the right diagnosis at the right time for the right patient. A Center for Precision Medicine (zpm) is therefore being built on the MedUni General Hospital Campus starting in 2022 (www.zpm.at).
Diagnostic imaging techniques the key to success
"Individuals are defined by their genetic and molecular characteristics. The effect of any treatment is dependent upon the individual in question. The same is true of the choice of diagnostic imaging techniques," explains Wolfgang Birkfellner, spokesperson for the research cluster. The personalised application of medical diagnostic imaging techniques is the key to the success of personalised medicine. "Images are based on data and these data are valuable biomarkers, which provide us with a better understanding of the causes of diseases, enable us to diagnose diseases at an early stage and to offer the best possible treatment," says Birkfellner.
At the event entitled "Medical Imaging in Personalized Medicine", experts from the Medical University of Vienna will present the very latest developments in medical imaging. The subjects of the talks and panel discussions will range from molecular imaging of cells and subcellular structures, qualitative and quantitative analysis of metabolic processes right through to the highly promising application of microscopic and optical techniques, the impressive developments in minimally invasive treatments and insights into the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and radiomics.
Links: Medical Imaging Cluster and MIC-Festival