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LISAvienna: March Newsletter available for online reading

Today we are pleased to present you again an overview with selected news that reached us from the Viennese life sciences community. This time we focus on: AVVie, Boehringer Ingelheim, BOKU, Biomedizinische Forschung & Bio-Produkte, CeMM, Evobright, FWF, Hookipa Pharma, JLP Health, Lellis, MedUni Vienna, ÖGMBT, OpGen, RIANA Therapeutics, Vivaldi Biosciences and the Vienna Hospital Association.

About ten times a year our newsletter informs about funding opportunities, events and news. In addition to the news of the above-mentioned organizations, the focus of the new issue is on these two events:

  • Austrian Life Science Day on 9.5.2023 in Vienna: Program is available for download
  • ViennaUP: LISAvienna will be involved in the program design at the Health Innovation Summit Vienna on 6.6.2023

In the newsletter you will also find information on delegation trips and discounts for participation in international trade fairs and conferences, as well as new calls for proposals and submission deadlines.

The sender takes full responsibility for the content of this news item. Content may include forward-looking statements which, at the time they were made, were based on expectations of future events. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements.

As a life sciences organization based in Vienna, would you like us to promote your news and events? If so, please send your contributions to news(at)