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LISAvienna e-Newsletter: It’s easy to stay informed

Our newsletter provides information from the burgeoning news sector – convenient and easy, from registration to delivery. The current edition features major achievements by 123 Sonography, AFFiRiS, Agfa HealthCare, APEIRON, FH Campus Wien, Myelopro, St. Anna, TAmiRNA and the Vienna University of Technology.

Vienna is an outstanding breeding ground for the field of life sciences. First-rate research facilities and hospitals, well-known large companies, and a growing number of innovative start-ups form a network with internationally acclaimed expertise. Our newsletter features selected success stories, and we provide information about important events and potential matching grant opportunities on a regular basis. Articles which appear within the framework of our media cooperation with the Austrian industry magazine Chemiereport, and our semi-annual Highlights editions are also included.

Read our October newsletter now and learn more about events in the coming weeks where the LISAvienna Team will be available to answer your questions about grants, laboratory space in Vienna, and other topics. The fall edition of Highlights will also be presented. We will bring this edition with us to all international events until spring 2017.

>> LISAvienna e-Newsletter 08-2016

>> Register for free

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The sender takes full responsibility for the content of this news item. Content may include forward-looking statements which, at the time they were made, were based on expectations of future events. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements.

As a life sciences organization based in Vienna, would you like us to promote your news and events? If so, please send your contributions to news(at)