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LISAvienna: e-Newsletter highlighting news from Vienna’s life sciences community published

This time, we for example put BOKU center stage for publishing new research results on fungi active in the degradation of wood. Furthermore, we draw your attention to a license agreement of Eucodis Bioscience with ProBioGen, to a collaboration agreement in digital health care signed by mySugr and Roche, and to the construction of a new research building by Octapharma in Vienna.

Ten times a year we provide interested people with selected news from Vienna focusing on biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry, the medical device sector and all scientific fields related to this topic. In addition, we refer to event reviews, announce upcoming events and call your attention to current publications and opportunities for support and funding. Today, we among others highlight the Phönix Award 2016, which will honor projects that managed to successfully tap the economic potential of research and development.

You did not find our electronic newsletter in your inbox? Read the current edition online and register for future mailings at no charge.

The sender takes full responsibility for the content of this news item. Content may include forward-looking statements which, at the time they were made, were based on expectations of future events. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements.

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