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Lexogen: Metabolic RNA-Seq: Data Analysis Pipeline Release

Lexogen completes the metabolic RNA-Seq offer by introducing the automated data analysis pipeline.

Label RNA with SLAMseq
The SLAMseq kits family is based on the new transcriptome-wide, non-invasive, quantitative, fast, and reliable method called Thiol (SH)-Linked Alkylation for the Metabolic Sequencing of RNA. SLAMseq can differentiate between newly synthesized (nascent) RNA and existing RNA by labeling specific nucleotides, while standard RNA-Seq measures total steady-state RNA levels only. Compared to standard RNA-Seq the SLAMseq protocol adds only two extra steps: labeling of the RNA by adding one compound to the culture medium and pre-processing the total RNA before continuing with a standard RNA-Seq protocol.

Prepare RNA-Seq libraries with QuantSeq
The SLAMseq metabolic RNA labeling step is best followed by a next-generation sequencing library preparation using the QuantSeq 3’ mRNA-Seq Kits from Lexogen. QuantSeq is the most cost-effective solution for accurate digital gene expression studies, ideal for time-course experiments. The SLAMdunk pipeline is set up for the analysis of QuantSeq RNA-Seq data.

NEW! Analyse data with SLAMdunk on Bluebee platform
The SLAMdunk software on the Bluebee platform allows easy analysis of sequencing data from a SLAMseq experiment by any user of the kit, even without bioinformatics background. The user uploads compressed fastq files and selects the appropriate species. After data processing, SLAMdunk delivers statistics about nucleotides conversion rates and alignments falling into unique 3’ UTR regions. In addition, SLAMdunk produces further statistical and diagnostic information. The results can be downloaded in batch or individually from the Bluebee platform.

Learn more about SLAMseq and SLAMdunk

Press contact
Lexogen GmbH
Tel: +43 (0)1345 1212 41
Email: info(at)

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