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Horizon & Ubiquigent Enter into Collaboration Agreement

Horizon’s X-MAN® cell lines to be made available in conjunction with Ubiquigent’s ubiquitin-related Drug Discovery Services

Horizon Discovery Group plc (LSE: HZD) ("Horizon"), the world leader in the application of gene editing technologies including cell models, today announced it has entered into a Collaboration Agreement with Ubiquigent Ltd (“Ubiquigent”). Under the terms of the agreement, Ubiquigent will be able to utilize Horizon’s X-MAN cell lines as part of their ubiquitin system focused Drug Discovery Services.

The ubiquitin system offers many new drug discovery target opportunities across multiple therapeutic areas including cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic, neurological and musculoskeletal, and infection and immunity. The modification of proteins through the attachment of the protein ubiquitin, or ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls), is key to the control of cellular protein homeostasis as well as signalling, similar to the critical role played by phosphorylation (approximately 30% of commercial drug discovery programmes target phosphorylation enzymes), and holds similar potential for clinical utility.

Ubiquigent provides access to a full suite of Drug Discovery Services, high quality Research Tools and Chemistry required to support its commercial and academic partners in pursuing ubiquitin system-focused drug discovery programmes, and in undertaking basic research.

Horizon designs and engineers genetically-modified cells. The X-MAN cell line range represents an extensive bank of genetically defined and highly validated human cell line models that accurately exhibit disease-causing genetics and are applied in research and clinical applications to advance human health.

This collaboration will provide novel and more complete research solutions to support commercial and academic partners as they undertake basic research and pursue ubiquitin system focused drug discovery programs.  Together, both companies will now provide a more integrated offering to the growing drug discovery market.

Thomas Moser, VP Products, Horizon Discovery Group plc, commented: “By partnering, Horizon and Ubiquigent are now in a position to provide a more comprehensive package to academic and commercial researchers working in the promising ubiquitin system area. This agreement further underscores the value of Horizon’s X-MAN cell line collection and highlights the impact our models are having on the research community.”

Jason Mundin, Commercial Director, Ubiquigent Ltd., said: “Ubiquigent’s first class experience and deep technical capabilities have enabled us to develop an extensive and highly valuable ubiquitin system focussed Drug Discovery Service platform for our clients. We are pleased now to provide access Horizon’s unique collection of gene edited cell lines to further enable and expand our service offering.”

Financial details of the agreement were not disclosed.

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