To support academic and non-university research as well as start-up and spin-off activities in biotechnology the City of Vienna makes EUR 10 millions available for a new equipment pool within the next 10 years. The University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) provides additional in-kind contributions amounting to EUR 3 millions.
Purchase and service will be handled via the Vienna Institute of Bio Technology Equipment GmbH (VIBT EQ GmbH) which has been founded by the City of Vienna and BOKU. The new research equipment will also be available for start-up and spin-off companies for a net cost price. Special large-scale equipment will be purchased after a location-specific analysis of needs.
In the context of the ground-breaking ceremony for a new lab building at Vienna’s Muthgasse Mayor Michael Häupl and Hubert Dürrstein, rector of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna signed a basic agreement that guarantees researchers and companies prime access to the new equipment at Vienna's Muthgasse.
City of Vienna: EUR 10 millions for biotech equipment
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