Artboard 11

Business Seminar Medtech - changeover EN 60601-1

LISAvienna and the company organised a Business Seminar on the switch from EN 60601-1 to the 3rd edition.

After DI Peter Halwachs’ and Dr. Hans-Peter Spengler’s brief introduction, DI Michael Pölzleitner from TÜV Austria Services GmbH explained the standard EN 60601-1 and the implications for manufacturers of medical products of switching to the 3rd edition. The key issues of this switch were presented by DI Martin Schmid, managing director of Schmid KG.

Ing. Stefan Putz of the W & H Dental Bürmoos introduced his experience regarding this switch in a short best-practice lecture. DI Peter Hagl, managing director of VASEMA GmbH also shared his experiences. After the seminar, the participants had the opportunity to take refreshments and to discuss their experiences with colleagues.

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