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Biomay has been granted U.S. patent for peptide carrier fusion allergy vaccines

Biomay announced today that the company received a notice of allowance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for a patent covering the composition and use of allergy vaccines based on its innovative peptide carrier fusion protein platform.

These products are developed to effect efficient and long-term protection from symptoms caused by major airborne allergens, e.g. grass pollen, birch pollen and house dust mites, with just a few vaccine dose applications. The lead product BM32 indicated for grass pollen allergy has already achieved clinical proof of concept in a phase IIb clinical study.

"The grant of this patent in the U.S. is a major milestone in the protection of our intellectual property estate for our unique technology platform", commented Rainer Henning, CEO of Biomay."The United States is the most important market for our products and the long term patent protection that has now been achieved is of very high strategic importance".

Biomay continues to vigorously expand its patent portfolio in its fields of active R&D in the allergy immunotherapy field.

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