All participating companies signed the Membership Agreement during the Kick-off Meeting - with more companies expressing their interest. Bodo Falke from Leica and Alain Pitiot from Ilixa got elected President and Vice-President of the ABIB. ABIB consists of the following companies and startups:
- Carl Zeiss GmbH
- Contextflow GmbH
- Leica Mikrosysteme
- Ilixa GmbH
- ImageBiopsy Lab GmbH
- Nexperion e.U.
- Nikon CEE GmbH
- OLYMPUS Austria GmbH
- piur imaging GmbH
- Thermo Fisher Scientific - Amira
- Thermo Fisher Scientific – FEI Deutschland GmbH
- TissueGnostics GmbH
About CMI
The Correlated Multimodal Imaging Node Austria (CMI) is a professional consortium of multiple Austrian Science Institutions and the official Austrian BioImaging initiative. It is coordinated by the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni) and the Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF). CMI is currently operated as an independent entity, but aims at becoming an integrative part of the Euro-BioImaging project.
Andreas Walter
Operating Director BioImaging Austria (CMI)
+43 179 62324 7040