Vienna is the real centre of technology and research in Austria, and the life sciences have shown especially vigorous growth. There are already 140 enterprises working in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology, or acting as specialised suppliers to the sector. One of the most important nodes in the close-meshed biotech network of university and private sector research institutions is the Vienna Biocenter (VBC) in one of Vienna’s development zones, St. Marx. There are over 1,000 scientists and roughly 700 students from more than 40 countries at work in the area. Close by the Vienna Biocenter, Wien Holding’s subsidiary Wiener Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft (WSE) together with S+B Gruppe AG is now erecting the MARXBOX, a brand new technology building with laboratory and office space purpose-built for biotech enterprises.
Wolfgang Gatschnegg
Wien Holding - Konzernsprecher
Tel.: +43 1 408 25 60 / 21, mobil: +43 664 82 68 216 e-mail: w.gatschnegg(at)
Mag.a Cécile-Veronique Kochwalter Mediensprecherin Vbmg. Mag. Renate Brauner Tel: 4000-81 219, mobil: 0676/811881219 e-mail: cecile.kochwalter(at)
Dr. Alfred Stalzer Mediensprecher der WSE
Tel: +43 1 505 31 00, mobil: +43 664 506 49 00 e-mail: alfred.stalzer(at)