Rationale and Objective
- Health economic evaluations on a national basis are usually well governed by HE specialists in governmental institutions (HTA), Academia (scientific background/clinical outcomes trial methodology) and Industry (data capture and data presentation of innovations in medicines and medical devices)
- However, for regional and local evaluations and negotiations with regional and institutional /local payer organizations additional HE capabilities are needed both for industry but also payer authorities. The course will provide understanding of concepts, tools, methods of understanding & building Health Economics evaluations
- This VSCR – course focuses on the needed capabilities of non – HE specialists to support efforts for reimbursement not only on national level but even more explicitly also on regional and local level for successful discussions between Industry and regional/local payer organizations or institutional purchase managers.
Target audience:
- Key Account Managers
- Medical Affairs Managers
- Medical Science Liaisons
- Sales Managers/Supervisors
- Marketing Managers
- Country Managers
- Regulatory Affairs Managers
Payer institutions
- Hospital Pharmacists
- Local/Regional Health Care Institutions Managers
- Health Insurance House Managers
- Hospital Managers
Draft Program
Concept: Understanding & Representing Value of products – the medical & economic value: use VSCRs health economics training on basic (beginners) level. Key account management does make deals based on cost effectiveness but even more based on budget impact and multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA). So, they need to understand the concepts of Value, Health Economics, HTA, RWE, MCDA & (crucial) Budget Impact
Part 1: Principles of Health Economics/Outcomes Research (HEOR) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
THE CONTEXT: Economic foundations and societal background of healthcare decision making based on HEOR and HTA
THE TOOLS: Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) – Health Outcome Studies – Health Economic Models – Real World Evidence (RWE) – Multi Criteria Decision Analysis – Budget impact analysis
- Introduction to the Nature and Principles of HTA
- Value and Value for Money from different perspectives
- The nature of budget impact analysis
- Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA): pros and cons
At the end of part 1 participants will
- Understand the present and future challenges for social health care systems
- Have insights about current strategies to cope with rising costs in health care
- Understand the impact of data and evidence – based decision making for health care budgets
- Learn about options how to best prioritize spending in health care budgets both on national and regional level
- Understand how payers will handle trade-offs in health care spending
- Learn about the validity of various Health Outcomes studies and the appropriate scenarios to apply
- Comprehend the need and value of health economic models
- Comprehend the value and opportunity of RWE and how to use and synthetize them into the present bundle of available (conventional) data
- Get insight in future aspects of capturing health outcomes data
- Understand why HTA is a useful process and how it is applied in the context of patient access and health care budget considerations
- Learn about the concept, the basic principles and the formal process of a HTA
- Understand the principles and methods of Budget Impact Analysis
- Understand the principles and methods of MCDA (multicriteria decision analysis)
Part 2: From outcome data to value dossiers: an introduction into the basics of successful submissions of dossiers
At the end of part 2 participants will
- Understand how payers assess technologies depending on their own incentives and setting;
- See the opportunities in changing payment systems for hospitals and clinicians;
- Understand the principles and methods of Budget Impact Analysis
- Understand the need for a tailored yet coherent value story and understand regional economic conditions (e.g. budget impact)
- See the options about how to deal via agreements with uncertain evidence
- Critical knowledge and business skills needed for successful market access and management of key accounts
- Understand & utilize the market access capabilities in concert with supporting functions such as key account management and sales organizations, medical affairs, regulatory, etc.
- Account planning: planning, strategy, tools for implementation & monitoring
- Business skills: Alternative Access Schemes or Payer Agreements, complemented by workshops and business cases
- Basic Financial Concepts
- Negotiation skills
Topics: Environmental shaping: environment understanding; stakeholder mapping &engagement plans
Costs and registration:
- Regular price: 2,500 euros
- Early bird (4 weeks before course start): 1,800 euros
- Upon successful assessment (MCQ) a VSCR certificate can be obtained
- Registration under office(at)vscr.at
Course directors and speakers
- Lieven Annemans, Senior Professor Health Economics, University Ghent, Belgium
- Heinrich Klech, Professor of Medicine, VSCR, Vienna, Austria
- N.N. Key account expert
- N.N. Corporate affairs expert (optional)
Vienna School of Clinical Research, Public Health and Medical Education – VSCR
The Vienna School of Clinical Research (VSCR) is an international educational Institution based in Vienna, Austria, which provides ongoing training and
education for physicians and related health professionals. Since its establishment as a Center of Excellence (CoE) for clinical research and for health
economy, VSCR fulfills all scientific and ethical criteria of quality for academically accredited postgraduate education. VSCRs independent educational
advisory board consists of internationally renowned experts and cooperates with many other national and international academic institutions. VSCR is a
non-for-profit organization (gemeinnützige GmbH). It is dedicated to progress in medical science and postgraduate education in the spirit of the „Wiener
Medizinische Schule“ for the benefit of patients. Any surplus of VSCR has to be used either for support of students or for investments in VSCRs educational
programs. www.vscr.at