The programme Committee of the SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting is committed to putting together a not-to-be-missed conference with an exciting scientific programme addressing the overarching theme “Innovation for Tomorrow: Progress in Safe and Sustainable Concepts.”
This conference theme emphasizes the need for integration of cutting-edge innovations with safety and sustainability considerations, through implementation and expansion of the Safe and Sustainable (by Design) thinking. It should foster concepts of essential transition to Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) through innovation. Applying the concept of SSbD as a mindset is going beyond the development of new molecules and products, applying it for example also to cities, land use and landscapes
Together, we will explore and aim to trigger explicit progress on how solutions- and applications oriented principles can be developed to prevent and limit chemical pollution, as well as on how methodological and technological advancements and innovative practices can address contemporary challenges in chemical and product safety up to environmental stewardship at the landscape level.
The proposed theme supports to bridge the various topics and fields of expertise under the SETAC umbrella, integrate them consistently in SSbD approaches (chemical safety assessment, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), environmental quality assessment, chemicals management, exposure assessment, etc.) and effectively liaise safety and risk assessment approaches with LCA approaches.
As fair data is key, this conference theme covers also work and research on advancing scientific methods in this context (early-Technological Readiness Level (TRL) data generation, supply chain data management and protection, assessment simplification, risk and sustainability integration, rapid-screening methods, absolute boundaries for both risk and sustainability, etc.)
This theme aims to inspire and equip participants with the mindset, knowledge and tools needed to drive meaningful change, ensuring a safer and more sustainable future and provide new ideas for testing of the advancements in practical case studies across all stakeholder groups, to derive ‘lessons learned’ and showcase success stories.
The scientific programme consists of 7 tracks for parallel sessions:
- Environmental and Human Toxicology: From Molecules to Organisms, From Omics to in Vivo
- Ecotoxicology Becomes Stress Ecology: From Populations to Ecosystems and Landscapes
- Environmental Chemistry and Exposure Assessment: Analysis, Monitoring, Fate and Modelling
- Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Chemicals, Mixtures and Stressors and Risk Mitigation Strategies
- Life Cycle Assessment and Footprinting
- Environmental Policy, Risk Management, and Science Communication
- Moving Beyond - Cross Cutting Themes, Emerging and Transdisciplinary Topics
About 2,500 environmental toxicology and chemistry professionals are expected to participate. Information for exhibitors is available here: