
LISAvienna event tip: aws Best of Biotech Award Ceremony

Let's celebrate the winners - register now!


5:30 p.m. Registration
6:00 p.m. Award Ceremony
7.00 p.m. Networking and Drinks

Registration is mandatory and possible until Oct. 14, 2022.

About aws BOB - Best of Biotech

aws BOB - Best of Biotech is an international life science business plan competition organized by Life Science Austria (LISA), a program run by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs. There are two tracks:

  • Early phase projects
  • Start up phase projects

Each track is devided into two different categories (biotech/pharma and medtech, IVD and digital health). The best projects of each phase and each category will receive a cash prize of € 6.000. The competition is supported by:

  • Boehringer Ingelheim is sponsoring the prizes for the best Early Phase and Start up Phase projects in the category "biotech/pharma"
  • LISAvienna sponsors the prizes for the best Early Phase and Start up Phase projects in the category "medtech, IVD and digital health"
  • Takeda is sponsoring the special award "Digitalisation in Life Science" for the best submission

Wed, 19.10.2022 | 17:30 - 20:30

Palais Ferstel
Strauchgasse 4
1010 Vienna

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