Biotech industry has adopted HT screening in micro well plates as process development tools but still the major question remains on how the process can be optimised, so that it is representative of the large scale. Conversely what are the criteria for scaling-up the process developed at the microscale to large scale systems? Meanwhile technologies of even smaller dimensions such as microfluidic devices, lab-on-a chip approaches and HTPD on the nanoscale are discussed as state of the art for process development in the biotech community.
Successful application of HT systems for process development depends on the right choice of technology in combination with Design of experiment strategies or mechanistic modelling and statistical evaluation of the obtained data.
The symposium will focus on:
- Nanoscale devices to predict process data
- Scale up / down rules for process development in up and downstream processing and their limitations
- Microscale methods for process development in up and downstream processing – case studies, commercial systems
- Application of DoE and statistical evaluation of large data
- Microfluidic devices for up and downstream processing and their limitations
- Lab on a chip approach for process development in up and downstream processing
Questions to be addressed:
- Are there still open questions to be addressed?
- Can we predict production scale processes from microscale experiments?
- Which a priori information is necessary to design experiments?
- How small is large enough?
- How should we generate HT data to get the best out of it?
Renowned speakers from academia and industry will give keynote lectures on the topic and will be part of a round table discussion. Researchers from academia and industry will be invited for presentations. Participants are invited to submit their work for flash presentations and poster session.
Who should attend?
- PhD students in fields of biotechnology, biochemical engineering, chemicals engineering
- All others working in the field of HTPD from industry and academia are highly welcome
Framework programme:
A site visit at Boehringer Ingelheim RCV is organized on Tuesday morning (max. 25 participants, first come first serve) including a short introduction of the company and a guided tour to the automation lab at the Process Bioscience Division where a HT platform for process development of E.coli derived products has been set up in collaboration with BOKU Vienna.
Social Programme:
A get together will be organized at a typical Viennese Heurigen.