Vienna, 18.10. - 20.10.2018

From Lab to Life – Childhood Cancer Research Initiatives

Symposium celebrating the 30th anniversary of the CCRI (Children´s Cancer Research Institute)

The symposium will feature hot topics in cancer research with growing relevance to the field of pediatric oncology, including tumor plasticity, heterogeneity and evolution, in-silico approaches to understand tumor biology and guide therapy, innovative pediatric cancer models, novel concepts in precision medicine, the future of combination, targeted and immunotherapy, and next generation cancer diagnostics. These topics will be introduced by world leaders in the respective fields of expertise from pediatric and adult oncology and discussed in oral presentations and posters selected from submitted abstracts.

18.10. - 20.10.2018

Billrothhaus Wien
Frankgasse 8
1090 Vienna

From Lab to Life Website