The IHE foundations exam is for persons with a health IT background, with a requirement or an intention to use products based on IHE profiles, either someone (contracted) to work for a healthcare provider organization, or someone employed by a software development company. This course enables you to apply the IHE methodology (ISO/TR 28380) for developing interoperability specifications for an existing healthcare environment. You will have the skills to identify and use the appropriate existing IHE profiles when faced with a healthcare interoperability project.
Locate & navigate the resources
IHE offers a large variety of artefacts to be used by the community. You will learn on how to use the IHE Homepage to research the Technical Frameworks and use the Connectathon result matrix and product registry, to identify products tested at the Connectathon. You will also learn about IHE Conformity Assessment methods and reports.
IHE Example Profiles & Standards
IData exchange based on IHE profiles is based on several standards from HL7, DICOM or other SDOs. These standards define interoperability requirements from syntactical and semantical point of view to share information. You will learn about base technologies like HTTP, XML, SOAP, RESTful architecture and base standards like HL7 v2, HL7v3/CDA HL7 FHIR and DICOM. Furthermore you will get an overview about the top 10 IHE profiles and learn about IHE’s Security & Privacy profiles.
DURATION: 4-6 days to complete the course, within 60 days after activation
START: Flexible / Anytime
DEGREE: IHE Certified Professional Certificate