Access the platform for free
This is a great opportunity to learn more about Austria's vibrant biotech, pharma, medtech and digital health sector and the types of jobs you might want to apply for. Both students and graduates of study programs in the life sciences are encouraged to explore the platform. The virtual career fair is open from September 23, 2020 until the end of March 2021. Click here to access the online platform.
Employer branding: How to exhibit online
Together with ÖGMBT we encourage all companies, institutes and other organizations in Austria to promote the types of jobs available for talented people with a strong background in the life sciences, e.g. molecular biology, bioengineering, biotechnology, medical technology, chemistry, pharmacology, human and veterinary medicine etc. The platform allows you to upload videos, brochures and pictures, as well as to organize conference calls. Click here for details on how to book a virtual booth and the various packages available at ÖGMBT.
About Life Science Austria
Life Science Austria (LISA) promotes the life science sector in Austria on the international stage and is the first point of call for enquiries relating to it. LISA is committed to the development, growth and prosperity of the Austrian life science industries as a leading component of the Austrian economy. On the international front, LISA also works towards Austria itself being a country known worldwide for the excellence of its life science sector.
Organized through the regional life science clusters, LISA represents companies in the therapeutic, medical technology and diagnostic sectors as well as providers of enabling technologies and related service companies located in the following regions:
- ecoplus (Lower Austria)
- Medtech Cluster (Upper Austria)
- LISAvienna (Vienna)
- (Styria)
- Standortagentur Tirol (Tyrol)
LISA is run by Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) on behalf of the Federal Ministery for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW).