The main theme of the Technology Talks Austria 2025 is the central importance of research, technology and innovation (RTI) for competitiveness.
Europe faces tough competition from other economic powers, particularly the USA and China. Europe has recently fallen significantly behind in terms of competitiveness, productivity and innovative strength. There is an urgent need to take countermeasures here.
The Technology Talks Austria 2025 aim to find answers to the following questions:
- How can Europe become more productive and competitive?
- How can Europe return to the forefront of technology?
- What framework conditions are required for a prosperous centre of innovation?
- How can Europe remain competitive in the long term?
- What conclusions can be drawn from this for European, national and regional RTI policy?
Shaping the future successfully
In particular, the focus will be on which areas need to be emphasised in order to actively shape the future and achieve progress in competitiveness. For example: How do we close the productivity gap with the USA? How can new technologies be taken up and implemented more quickly? In which areas of technology does Europe have opportunities? Where is the greatest need for research? How can we increase the stability of supply chains and reduce dependencies? What role do research, technology and innovation (RTI) play in reducing resource intensity and building a circular economy? What can we learn from thriving innovation hubs? How should European and national RTI policy respond to the challenges? And how does the interaction with regional innovation systems work?
Mix of presentations, discussions, workshops and space for networking
These issues will be discussed in an innovative mix of high-calibre keynote speeches by internationally renowned speakers, diverse plenary debates and in-depth workshops. A multi-stakeholder perspective is adopted in all formats: The three groups of science/research, business/industry and politics/public authorities are always involved - with the aim of identifying solutions and deriving conclusions for European and Austrian RTI policy.
Organizer: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology