Recent advances in biosensor research have brought numerous smart Point-of-Care (PoC) diagnostic platforms and wearables to the brink of market readiness. This progress opens up new business options.
Infineon Technologies Austria AG and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, through several joint projects, have developed extensive expertise in biosensor prototyping. They are now organizing a joint workshop to:
1. Showcase their expertise and prototypes through brief introductory presentations.
2. Discuss the most promising market sectors for PoC diagnostic platforms and wearables.
3. Identify current challenges and requirements for successful commercialization.
Join in for a deep dive into the future of biosensor technology and its commercial potential.
The workshop is part of the WKO Health Days 2025 in Vienna, March 13-14, 2025.
To register, please go to
Costs: €300
Participation in the Health Days is free, but workshops require a fee. To register, simply provide your invoice address during sign-up. Invoices will be sent to workshop participants after the event.
AIT and Infineon Workshop at WKO Health Days: Commercialization of biosensor platforms for PoC tests and wearables
Thu, 13.3.2025 | 14:30 - 16:30
WKO Austria
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63