Artboard 11

EUCODIS enzymes now also to purchase from Biosynth Carbosynth

EUCODIS Bioscience and Biosynth Carbosynth, a global supplier of biochemicals and custom chemical synthesis services, have agreed upon a new distribution agreement for EUCODIS enzyme products. We are looking forward to leveraging our business activities by directly reaching out to the wide network of Biosynth Carbosynth customers via its online catalogue portal.

Biosynth Carbosynth now offers over 70 products for industrial biocatalysis including lipases, peroxidases, nitrilhydratases, phospholipases, amidases, beta-lactamases, and other enzymes such as catalase, and others.

The distribution agreement between EUCODIS Bioscience and Biosynth Carbosynth is an extension of a long-term partnership, providing wider access of enzymes through Biosynth Carbosynth’s customer network. Both parties are excited about the intensified business relationship which should bring the use of biocatalysts to a new level by combining the expertise of EUCODIS Bioscience in enzyme engineering with the knowledge of Biosynth Carbosynth in the field of fine chemical and custom chemical synthesis.

About Biosynth Carbosynth

Biosynth Carbosynth® is the new global brand created by the merger of two key players in the fine chemicals market. The organisation has branches in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, the USA, China, Japan and India as well as a worldwide distribution network that reaches the entire diagnostics industry. Biosynth Carbosynth is an innovative developer of reagents and biological active complex organic chemicals and is a world-leading expert in the field of enzyme substrates, carbohydrates and nucleoside chemistry. In recent years, Biosynth Carbosynth has successfully introduced innovative chromogenic, fluorogenic and luminescence-based systems into the field.

Learn more about EUCODIS here:

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