Vienna, 20.5. - 23.5.2019

Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting

The 21st GSC meeting will highlight the nexus of genomic standards and innovative methods in genomics. The meeting in charming Vienna will bring together people from many fields, including microbiology, microbial ecology, bioinformatics, medicine and system biology.

Prior to the conference: GSC board meeting May 19, 2019

Preliminary Program

May 20, 2019:

Evening Keynote: Phil Hugenholtz (University of Queensland): Mining sequence data — genome discovery — open data

Welcome Reception

May 21, 2019:

Towards addressing the reproducibility crisis: Morning Session: Folker Meyer (Argonne National Laboratory) (Session Chair)

Afternoon Workshops/Working Group Sessions

Evening Poster Session

Evening Keynote: Kurt Zatloukal (Medical University of Graz) Biobanking BBMRI-ERIC

May 22, 2019:

Morning Sessions:

Standards and bioinformatics for emerging fields of genomics: Nikos Kyrpides (DOE Joint Genome Institute)(Session Chair)

Metabolomics – Genomics: Claire O’Donovan (EMBL-EBI)(Session Chair)

Afternoon Workshops:

     Virus taxonomy and standards: Simon Roux (DOE Joint Genome Institute)

     Measures and criteria for the definition of taxonomic ranks:  Phil Hugenholtz (University of Queensland)

Evening Keynote: Michael Wagner (University of Vienna) Sequence and Function

May 23, 2019:

Morning Sessions:

Standards in medical genomics: Christoph Bock (Session Chair) (Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Sequence and Function: Michael Wagner (University of Vienna) (Session Chair)

20.5. - 23.5.2019

Campus of the University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2
1090 Vienna

GSC Website with additional details